Teaching Requirements in Nevada, NV

Nevada, ranking 35th in population, has 385,492 students. There are 563 public schools, broken down into 337 elementary, 88 middle, and 105 high schools. Nevada has had among the lowest improvement over the last few years in the SAT’s. Nevada also has the lowest graduation rate in the nation with only 51.3% of last years students graduating.

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Certification Requirements For Teachers in Nevada, NV:

  • Class 2 Standard Teaching Certificate (valid for 5 years)
  • Bachelors Degree from an accredited college or university
  • Complete an approved Nevada Teacher Preparation Program
  • Complete appropriate amount of course hours and student teaching
  • Take and pass the Basic Skills Test (PPST)
  • Fulfill state fingerprinting requirements
  • Pass a criminal background check
  • Complete the certification application packet, including transcripts, certifications, and references
  • Pay any applicable fees

Some districts may require additional training and certification.

Employment Outlook For Teachers in Nevada:

Nevada has an absolutely dismal graduation rate as well as very poor SAT scores As such, the state is desperately in need of highly qualified teachers to help change these statistics. Board Certification and higher degrees of qualification bring in significantly higher salaries to the prospective new teacher, as well as loans and grants awarded to those who strive to achieve such status. Nevada has seen average population growth so there will be a continued need for teachers, but again the states main focus is revamping their education system to improve results. The teaching industry has proved to be a relatively stable job market, and even through the budget cuts of the recession teachers have faired well. As in any state, it is a good idea to have a Masters or PhD as that is certainly an eye catcher for prospective employers, as well as providing increased salary opportunities.

Salary Expectation For Teachers in Nevada:

Nevada has remained ranked 34th in ranking for the second year in a row when it comes to teachers salaries, the average salary being $45,753 in 2009-2010 (according to bls.gov). In the last three years teachers in Nevada have seen an average 11.78% wage increase. Teachers in Nevada make above the state salary average, as well as seeing a healthy wage increase that continues to grow.