Health Education and Teaching Schools
Today more than ever before, degrees in health education are increasing at a high rate and for good reason. It is well known our nation has been facing a health epidemic on every level. From the foods we eat to the water we drink. Children have been at the forefront of this revolution in hopes of breaking a viscous cycle of unhealthy habits. This is where health education teachers can make a major impact through education, recommendations, and teaching children and their parents how to address current situations of health through instruction.
Generally, to become a health education teacher one must earn a bachelor’s degree. Mentoring is always a plus when working within health. An example would be working in conjunction with a family physician or school nurse. By earning a master’s degree or doctoral degree (PhD) one has the ability to earn higher wages, opportunities for career advancements, administration roles, and entering health careers outside of teaching. It is common for people with health education degrees to work in government sectors or with life coaches to help create lifestyle plan for individuals seeking outside help.
The highly accredited schools below provide complementary information and steps to learn how to earn a degree in health education. Ready. Set. Go!